OCT. 21st | The Monday Report
People who constantly mistrust others may create an environment of suspicion, leading to breakdowns in communication and cooperation. Trust in social relationships is important.
Professional Update
2 New Event Recap Articles!
I believe getting an honest recap of seminars and events in our industry is crucial. In the long run, “the cream will rise to the top” is a general statement, but it's easy to mistake a trendy event for a great one. With these 3rd-party recap articles, I aim to assist both trainers and event organizers.
Trainers: I want to help you as trainers recognize the events that will be the best for where you are in your career by hearing from colleagues who have attended.
Event organizers: I want to assist you in recognizing the “good and the bad” that happens at your events and the common trends of what attendees enjoy or don't enjoy when attending events industry-wide.
Boss Up! 3rd Annual Live Event Recap
Trainer Spotlight Podcast Episodes
Here is the first look at the title card image for the episodes so you can identify them. Your episode will feature your name on the show card between the chair and the overhead boom microphone.
FITLETE Website & Social Media
I have been jotting down some ideas for better showcasing the website's usefulness, and I want to know your thoughts on social media. Here is one idea that I came up with. I want to know what you think of it.
Goal: Show how easy it is to find events in your neighborhood.
One short video(Reel?) per day
I will pick a random date and random location present in the directory of events.
I screen-record myself using the website to navigate to the event(s) taking place on that date and in that location.
What do you think?
Fantastic podcasts I heard last week:
Movement Optimism Podcast - Dr Anneleen Malfliet talks pain neuroscience, graded exposure and addressing adiposity to help with pain
Gym World Worldwide - How to use gym events to attract more leads
The Daniel Yores Podcast - #186: Max Larocque - Quick Dopamine is Destroying Your Fitness & Your Mental Health
Creating the world’s best client experience - Connecting your message in stories with Tom Jakobs
The Colin and Samir Show - How Nick Martell & Jack Kramer built Snacks Daily and then, The Best One Yet Podcasts
Here’s a link to download Snipd, the podcast app I use to make a “notebook” of A.I. transcripts, bookmarks within episodes, and take notes on each podcast I hear! They have a free app you can use or, with this link, you get 1 month of their Premium version for free: 1 Free Month Of Premium Snipd
Personal Update
At the end of it all, I had a good week. As I continue to branch out and talk to more “professional people,” I must remind myself that I, too, am a professional and belong in these conversations. Imposter syndrome creeps in now and again, but I am more quick than in previous years to shut those thoughts down. I am trusting myself to make progress and move forward one small step at a time. In moments like this, I am relieved that I am a patient man who appreciates the journey as much as I strive to reach a destination.