Boss Up! 3rd Annual Live Event Recap
"Boss Up" is A 2-day Live Event for Health + Fitness Pros Who Want to Level Up Their Online Business Hosted by Jill Coleman & Dr. Shanté Cofield
Hey! George here. I am really quick to say I am excited to bring you Jane Metcalf's recap of this event from 2 powerhouse players in our industry! Jane became my friend and colleague while hanging out at the 2023 Raise The Bar Conference VIP dinner.
Now back to Jane’s Recap
I am an online personal trainer who helps moms pick up that damn laundry basket with minimal aches and pains. Let’s connect on Instagram here!
My brain hurts.
My brain hurts from listening to so much valuable information.
I’m sitting in the airport, waiting for my delayed flight home after the BossUP event hosted by Jill Coleman and Dr. Shante Cofield, aka @JillFit and @theMovementMaestro, and when I say my mind is blown... 🤯

This wasn’t a “hooray-you’re-so-amazing, you-need-to-cold-dm-50-people-a-day-to-get-10k-months” sort of conference.🤢🤮🤢🤮🤮🤮.
It was a meat and potatoes sort of conference. My favorite type.
The type you walk away from with so much tangible information sitting in your head that your brain just hurts.
I went in wanting to know the question we all have, “How do I keep my business off life support so that it’s continually growing and thriving?”
The early access VIP Day did not disappoint in answering that question. I was able to talk to Jill and Shante specifically about my business hangups and then troubleshoot with other seasoned fit pros in the room.
Can we also talk about how amazing and diverse the networking was? There were coaches with anywhere from a few hundred followers (like me!) to 50K followers, along with businesses that had been around way longer than mine.
I thought I’d feel wildly intimidated being in that room, but instead, it gave me hope.
I *want* to have their problems one day, and even though I’m not there yet, the conference gave me a path forward to get there.
Let me tell you what I loved the most, though:
It wasn’t learning that online sales can be predictable if you know what to look for.
It wasn’t learning about the tangible conversion rates with your lead magnet to your sales page and what to troubleshoot along the way if the results aren’t landing where you’d expect them to.
It wasn’t even learning about the various strategies to increase traffic to my sales page to hit the “buy now” button and follow through!
It was the way the conference addressed my business as a whole person. Shante kept saying, “You’re a whole-ass person; why would we only speak to one aspect of you?”
I was most impressed by Dr. Jennifer Hutton’s presentation on understanding the psychology of biases and social constructs that many of our clients come from.
If we can better understand our own biases and limitations, we can better understand where our clients are coming from and serve them with a more holistic approach.
My Key takeaways:
The process is messy, and that’s the point.
Online business is predictable when you know what to look for.
Making a few ugly posts, doing a few terrible launches, and writing a few awful emails is part of the learning process as long as you’re learning.
The more clinical you can get about your business, the more you can troubleshoot how to fix it.
Your most authentic YOU has to shine through if you want to attract the people you want to serve.
We're wasting their time if we’re not providing tangible solutions for our clients.
The world needs you to be who you are so you can make an impact, too.
Anyways, my brain is tired and that’s all I have for tonight.