They are Supplements Not Shortcuts
It is no secret that the fitness supplement industry is a very successful one. The industry is set up in such a way that they have a seemingly endless supply of “revolutionary products” to create and recreate for years to come. The Industry is minimally supervised and regulated but still a multi-billion dollar industry. With all this behind them they have a huge impact on quite a few industries including but not limited to the Holistic Health, Medicine (Dr. Oz Show for example) and Fitness Industries. They are very powerful with how they sell their products and have great teams to make sure we notice what they are doing.
The Companies in the sport supplement industries are not great scientific minds ,great biology chemists or even great researchers; they are great marketers and advertisers. I give them all the credit in the world for figuring out how to market products that have minimal evidence to back up its claims because, it truly does take some amazing people to pull that off. They truly do a great job at this because a common question I receive from family, friends and even sometimes strangers is “What supplement(s) Should I be taking to reach my goal?” Unfortunately, for these people my answer is always a similar sometimes sarcastic toned statement like:
Mix in some Hard Work, Effort and Dedication into your pre workout shake and put some relax and recover into your post workout shake.
There are no shortcuts to reaching your goals in anything. So, If you are hoping there is some magical solution to get you to your goal stop waiting. there is a solution but it is not in a bottle with a fancy label, it is the only thing that stares back at you in the mirror each morning.
They all Think WE are Stupid
As a trainer in the Fitness Industry that is much like the sport supplement industry(minimal regulation and supervision) it is difficult for a consumer to avoid the bullshit. Now, when I say consumer I mean both my fellow trainers within the industry, our clients, and the vast number of people we do not work with ie. the general public. The marketing used to promote these “amazing supplements” we all buy are very well thought out and will not go “out of style” unless the public themselves change from their native or natural tendencies.
A lot of these companies might have some great people working for them with good intentions but, the overall goal of the company is to get you to buy their old products and then really push any new products they come out with to fit the trends of our nation at the moment.
The Rise of Proprietary Blends:
If you see this term on the ingredients list just put it back down on the shelf.
It means that the company has a mixture or “formula” of the ingredients they use and do not want to tell you exactly what is in it. They will give you a cool name like “Hyper Burn Formula” and then a total number in grams or milligrams of the entire mixture and then just a list of what is in the mixture. They do this so they can list that they have certain popular or expensive ingredients without actually listing the dosage of each one. So, when you go to look at the label for a certain ingredient, it is on there but they are hoping that you don’t care exactly how much. In reality there could only be a very small amount of the key ingredient in the product and the rest just being useless fillers. It is completely legal for them to do this and no way to stop it. Why chance it when there are products and companies who are a bit more see through. Don’t you want to know what you are paying for?
How They Market So You Buy It
Sponsored Athletes:
Believe it or not, but outside of the top-tier athletes in the bodybuilding and fitness world there is relatively no money to be made from winning a contest. The supplement companies know this and will sponsor athletes at different levels in order to spread their brands. The companies will say “ Hey (insert name here), we will help you make a living being an athlete/competitor (PAY YOU) all you have to do is take some pictures for us and let your following know that you use our products” This is why you see all those ads in the magazines, websites and television of ripped guys and gals you have never heard of.
The Sport Supplement company is hoping to strike an emotional response from this association which will trigger you to buy their product over another or even just buy it. Pretty simple concept and widely used across the board in multiple industries. (think Subway and Professional Athletes)
Truth be told…this works and they hope that it does because it means we no longer care what the product is, only that someone successful is using. They want us to associate their sponsored athletes rise to greatness to be directly related to the athletes use of their products. They want this because, hopefully we will think that if we have their product we can be great also.
What about those people who are not champions in their sports/industries but still promote products and tell all of us that they use them for their best results? These are what ambassadors and affiliates are. Depending on the company and the athlete involved they can either have a contractual agreement to promote products for a commission, smaller sponsorship amount or combo of both. Same type of set up ad a sponsored athlete but with a more direct sales approach.
Some companies offer the ability to promote their products up to anyone who wants to sign up. These people can be literally anyone, they do not have to be athletes or trainers but anyone who feels like they can put some money in their own pockets by spreading the so-called benefits of the products they like. These people will receive a commission “kickback” on any products their links, banners, discount codes etc. brings into the company. Usually to help the affiliates out the supplement company will supply them with a discount that they can advertise to their customers, to help induce a sale. Most of the big companies offer this option and is most likely the type of system used by the people, coaches and athletes and popular social media people.
Multi-Level/Network Marketing:
Do you even know what hat means? HERE IS YOUR ANSWER
You ever see companies like MonaVie, Herbalife, USANA or Isagenix? (IsaGenix has a clear-cut tiered system explained on their site if you want more info of what I mean)
They are also supplement companies but usually won’t say it or even look like a typical one you see. Usually they will have a brand positioning and look that seems more scientific, more general health oriented, naturalistic; Instead of the cookie cutter bodybuilding supplement companies with dudes who have biceps the size of my thigh and girls in bikinis working out covered in oil.
They are not bad companies trying to ruin your life like an illegal pyramid marketing company might try but they do not present like a supplement company you are used to.
These companies rely on this type of differentiation in order to try to gain a bit more of your trust toward their line of products and future lines. There are actually a lot of trainers, coaches and even smaller gyms that are associated with these MLM companies and promote the use of their products to their members and clients exclusively. They may believe in the products themselves but they are also getting a commission type kickback for generating sales of the products. It brings another form of income to the gym operation outside of the actual training.
Strategic Branding:
There are only two types or side of this equation with little to no 3rd or middle ground option.
Sex Sells= they focus on the image of the people who advertise their product to generate sales.
GOOGLE PROOF (picked a brand at random)
Health Sells= They use the product claims, and a stance on healthier living to generate buzz around their products.
GOOGLE PROOF (picked a brand at random from above)
that is really maybe with a little overlap between each would be about it.
Both are the same, Which one makes you want their product more?
What to Take Away.
Bottom line is that no matter what you personally decide to take in via supplements, nothing replaces the hard work you need to put in. It does not matter what the label says on the package, there is nothing that you can take in to increase your gains without putting in the work.
The supplements themselves don’t do a thing without your actions alongside them….the Supplements are not shortcuts.
Originally published at
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