The Monday Report
June 5th, 2023| Do it scared. You can't perfectly periodize your future. There will be unknowns you have to overcome, pitfalls you need to climb out of, and successes you never saw coming. Keep trying
“In practical matters the end is not mere speculative knowledge of what is to be done, but rather the doing of it. It is not enough to know about Virtue, then, but we must endeavour to possess it, and to use it, or to take any other steps that may make us good”
Personal Update
“Do it scared” was the quote of the weekend that I kept repeating to myself repeatedly. I wasn’t doing some sort of adrenaline-seeking activity or any new thrilling activity; I was thinking about the future. The future is tomorrow, next week, next year, and the next 5 years, and I have no real control over it. Yes, I have significant input into trying to create a future that I want, but no real control over what will happen, and sometimes that makes my heart race. At the end of the day, I would rather do it scared than not try, and that is what keeps me pushing forward.
Fantastic Podcast I listened to last week
Stronger By Science: Jan 23rd - Hunger and Appetite Management
Show Notes: Whether you’re trying to gain, lose, or maintain weight, strategic management of hunger and appetite can come in handy. In today’s episode, Eric Trexler discusses a variety of practical strategies for managing hunger and appetite to support a more successful and enjoyable dieting experience.
My Notes: In a world full of gimmicks, diets, and detoxes it’s always refreshing to get a show that provides practical strategies and a detailed understanding of the need for an acceptance-based approach to be in the conversation along with all the other strategies. I enjoyed how he talked about the relationship to exercise and hunger, the volume of food, eating speed, individual variation, fiber, protein, and even a nice breakdown of how hyper-palatable foods can play a role.
The Next 30 Days: ANNUAL Education Conferences, Expos & Seminars
If you are looking for seminars, and workshops that are held throughout the year in your area and across the globe. click the link below.
Reconditioninghq- International Hockey Performance Summit: 6/9/23- Whitby, Canada
National Strength And Conditioning Association- Montana State Clinic- 6/9/23- Billings Montana, USA
Michele Bolland Training: Boston Health & Performance Summit: 6/10/23- Boston, MA
Scw Fitness Education: Aqua Exercise Summit- 6/10/23- Virtual
United States Center For Coaching Excellence: North American Coach Development Summit-6/12/2023-Birmingham, Alabama
Fit Summit: World Health, Fitness & Wellness Festival: 6/12/2023- Singapore
The Female Athlete Program Fellowship: Female Athlete Conference: 6/14/2023- Boston, Massachusetts
Nutrition Society: Irish Section Conference 2023 - Understanding the role of sex and gender in nutrition research: 6/14/2023- Athlone, Ireland
Functional Aging Institute: Annual Summit: 6/15/2023- Salt Lake City, Utah
International Society Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity: Annual Meeting: 6/15/2023- Uppsala, Sweden
International Society Of Sports Nutrition: 20th Annual Conference: 6/15/2023- Fort Lauderdale, Florida
International Association Of Yoga Therapists: SYTAR: 6/15/2023- Reston, Virginia, USA
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: International Conference on Strength Training and Conditioning Barcelona: 6/19/2023- virtual
Meetings International: Nutrition Care: 6/19/2023- Berlin, Germany
National Athletic Training Association: 74th Convention: 6/21/2023- Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Sports Leaders Summits: Business of Sport Summit: 6/21/2023- New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
National High School Strength Coach Association: Annual National Conference- 6/22/23: Chicago, Illinois
University Of Notre Dame: Sports Performance Summit: 6/23/23- Notre Dame, Indiana
European College Of Sports Science16th Annual JORRESCAM Conference: Body Technics, Martial Arts and Combat Sports: 6/28/2023- Bordeaux, France
Nutrition Society: Summer Conference 2023 - Nutrition at key stages of the lifecycle: 7/3/2023- Liverpool , England
International Federation Of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists: World Conference of Musculoskeletal and Manual Physiotherapy: 7/4/2023- Basel,Switzerland
European College Of Sports Science: Annual Congress 2023:7/4/2023- Paris, France
Other Member News
I will be closing this Trello Projects update board: Completed.
There might be a few moments today(June 5th) when the website is down due to a large update. I appreciate your patience if you are using the site when it goes offline temporarily.