The Monday Report
May 29th, 2023| Happy Memorial Day. Remember, you define what is important in your life. It's mid year, are you still on track with the mission you set for yourself? Check in and execute.
“Success is peace of mind that is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”
– Coach John Wooden
Personal Update
Morning came early today, I ended up waking up at 2am and just couldn’t go back to sleep. It’s just going to be one of those days, good thing these are few and far between now that I have worked on my sleep consistency.
Last week I had breakfast with my friend and we got to talking a lot about the future because he will be moving to a new state and starting a new career soon. Things haven’t nessesarily gone as smoothly as he hoped or was promised, but his outlook and ability to focus on the open doors instead of the ones that closed was the highlight of the breakfast.(and the pancakes, they were awesome too). He wasn’t thrilled about the fact that his start date for the new job was pushed back, but when he really looked at the situation he said “this means I have opportunities to learn and prepare for my new life that wouldn’t have been there before”, and then started talking about his plan of attack. That stuck with me; his tenacity to focus on the mission he set for himself and to remain flexible in accomodating the things outside of his control.
Fantastic Podcast I listened to last week
The Future Of Fitness Podcast: May 9th - The state of coaching in 2023 with Tony Gentilcore.
Show Notes: Tony is also one of the co-founders of Cressey Performance, located in Hudson, MA, where he works with a wide variety of clientele ranging from Major League baseball players to high school athletes (and everything in between). Tony is a regular contributor to Testosterone Magazine (,, as well as Men’s Health Magazine. For more information, you can check out his website at
My Notes: Tony speaks from the perspective of a vet in the industry. I hesitated to call him a vet because he isn’t “old” per say, but he has a long career that spans many different “innovation” periods in the industry. He speaks candidly about the current state of the industry, and how future technologies can and will play an impact on the client experience we want to deliver to our clients. I enjoyed his optimistic look toward the future of the industry because his focus is all on how we can use new technology to aid us in delivering a better, more personalized experience for our clients. It doesn’t have to replace us, and we have the opportunity to optimize more systems within our business.
The Next 30 Days: Annual Education Conferences, Expos & Seminars
Leaders In Sport: 4se: 5/23/2023- United States Of America, New York, New York
Club Solutions Magazine: Club Solutions Summit: 5/24/2023- United States Of America, Rancho Palos Verdes, California
Isokinetic Medical Group: Football Medicine: 5/27/23- London, England, UK
National Strength And Conditioning Association: BRITISH COLUMBIA PROVINCIAL CLINIC:5/27/23- Vancouver, BC, Canada
National Strength And Conditioning Association: SOUTH DAKOTA STATE CLINIC:5/27/23- Rapid City, SD, USA
American College Of Sports Medicine: Annual World Congress: 5/30/23- Denver Colorado, USA
North American Society For Psychology Of Sport And Physical Activity: Annual Conference: 5/31/23- Toronto, Ontario Canada
World Confederation For Physical Therapy: Annual Congress: 6/2/2023- United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Tai Chi For Health Institute: Annual workshop: 6/3/2023-United States Of America, Cincinnati, Ohio
National Strength And Conditioning Association: ALBERTA PROVINCIAL CLINIC: 6/3/2023- Canada, Edmonton
International Society Of Physical And Rehabilitation Medicine: 17th Annual World Congress: 6/4/2023- Colombia, Cartagena
Reconditioninghq- International Hockey Performance Summit: 6/9/23- Whitby, Canada
National Strength And Conditioning Association- Montana State Clinic- 6/9/23- Billings Montana, USA
Michele Bolland Training: Boston Health & Performance Summit: 6/10/23- Boston, MA
Scw Fitness Education: Aqua Exercise Summit- 6/10/23- Virtual
United States Center For Coaching Excellence: North American Coach Development Summit-6/12/2023-Birmingham, Alabama
Fit Summit: World Health, Fitness & Wellness Festival: 6/12/2023- Singapore
The Female Athlete Program Fellowship: Female Athlete Conference: 6/14/2023- Boston, Massachusetts
Nutrition Society: Irish Section Conference 2023 - Understanding the role of sex and gender in nutrition research: 6/14/2023- Athlone, Ireland
Functional Aging Institute: Annual Summit: 6/15/2023- Salt Lake City, Utah
International Society Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity: Annual Meeting: 6/15/2023- Uppsala, Sweden
International Society Of Sports Nutrition: 20th Annual Conference: 6/15/2023- Fort Lauderdale, Florida
International Association Of Yoga Therapists: SYTAR: 6/15/2023- Reston, Virginia, USA
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: International Conference on Strength Training and Conditioning Barcelona: 6/19/2023- virtual
Meetings International: Nutrition Care: 6/19/2023- Berlin, Germany
National Athletic Training Association: 74th Convention: 6/21/2023- Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Sports Leaders Summits: Business of Sport Summit: 6/21/2023- New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
National High School Strength Coach Association: Annual National Conference- 6/22/23: Chicago, Illinois
University Of Notre Dame: Sports Performance Summit: 6/23/23- Notre Dame, Indiana
European College Of Sports Science16th Annual JORRESCAM Conference: Body Technics, Martial Arts and Combat Sports: 6/28/2023- Bordeaux, France
Other Member News
I will be closing this Trello Projects update board: Completed.
June 1st, 2023 is coming up literally this week. Be on the lookout for some cool ways to support FITLETE and look really cool at the same time. I need to market FITLETE more and it’s going to begin with a cool bag, a shirt and of course a hat( I love hats). Wow, I can’t keep a surprise lol.
June 1st has been the date I set for myself to start rolling out the new FITLETE. A lot of challenges have been battled in sticking with this timeline, but it will start in June…slowly.