The Monday Report
March 27th, 2023| It's easier than ever to start/make it on you're own. If you are able to rely on yourself you can shape the life and career you want no matter how it looks to others.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Personal Update
I had a really productive week last week, but vegged out yesterday and literally did nothing. At first, I felt kind of upset about it, but then I embraced it and realized it was what I needed to do. I realize more and more that I like to have control over what I’m doing and think years ago that may have been a more important reason why I wanted to work for myself rather than be employed at a gym. Luckily, today we have the tools and innovations in technology that allow one person to work for themselves and do the work that used to take a small team of people to do. I find comfort in knowing my business or career doesn’t have to look cookie cutter, fit into a box, follow the typical flow, and can be whatever I want it to be.
Fantastic Podcast(s) I listened to last week
Lift The Bar Podcast Episode #381- Jon Goodman: Why You Don’t Need More Followers
Show Notes: Are you struggling to differentiate yourself from other personal trainers on social media? With so many others offering similar services, it can be challenging to stand out and attract potential clients. After all, why would they pick your “121 sessions, personalized plans, and monthly reviews” over anyone else's?! But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this episode, Stuart is joined by Jonathan Goodman, a renowned business coach with over 15 years of experience in the personal training industry. Expect to learn about the impact of discounts on your business, how to craft a compelling brand message that resonates with your audience, and why getting more followers is probably a waste of time.
My Notes: What I like the most from this episode was his explanation of how playing to win the “content game” is not the route most trainers should go even though it seems like the route they need to take at first. He mentions how long it took John Berardi to produce a podcast episode and says it was about 60 hours of work per episode; You're not going to take that much time for your podcast if you’re still trying to train clients in-person and online. He then goes into talking about Freakanomics radio and the 15+ people on their production team, then how one of the leading baking shows on Youtube has a full TV-level studio, and at this point, you’re starting to get his main theme here; you’re most likely not going to “out content” an entire team doing the exact same thing you’re trying to do. You have to do something different and talk to a different audience.
The Next 30 Days: Annual Education Conferences, Expos & Seminars
American Society On Aging: Annual On Aging Conference: 3/27/2023- United States Of America, Atlanta, Georgia
Shape America: National Convention & Expo: 3/28/2023- United States Of America, Seattle, Washington
United Kingdom Society For Behavioural Medicine: Annual Scientific Meeting 2023: 3/28/2023- United Kingdom, Birmingham, England
International Brain Injury Association: World Congress on Brain Injury: 3/29/2023- Ireland, Dublin, Leinster
Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning: Spring Seminar: 4/1/2023- United States Of America, Woburn, Massachusetts
FItness Fest Conference & Expo: Annual Expo: 4/14/23-United States Of America, Phoenix, Arizona
Carrick Institute: 2023 Clinical Neuroscience board review: 4/14/23-United States Of America, Cape Canaveral, FL
Sports and Fitness Industry Association: Team Sports Conference: 4/17/23- United States Of America, New Orleans, Lousiana
Sports and Fitness Industry Association: Team Sports Conference: 4/17/23- United States Of America, Indianapolis, Indiana
American Congress On Rehabilitative Medicine: Spring Meeting: 4/20/23- United States Of America, Atlanta, Georgia
European College Of Sports Science: 20th Annual Scientific Conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy:4/20/2023- Dubrovnik, Croatia
Activate FitHYBRID FITNESS CONFERENCE: 4/22/23- Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Other Member News
There will be a lot of changes in the coming weeks. Some are scary and some seem so simple you will question why they weren’t done sooner.
Find out what I’m working on next. Follow this Trello Board to see what is going on.