The Monday Report
July 3,2023| Sometimes you need to take what seems like a false step in order to reach your destination faster. It might not make sense right away but it set you up to initiate faster action.
“Not by years but by disposition is wisdom acquired”
Personal Update
As I said in last week’s update, the previous week was difficult for me, but over the week, I started to remember this time when I was growing up and playing football. I was maybe 12 or 13, and we were split off into position groups; I was a stout running back, believe it or not. Our coach was trying to eliminate us from doing what is called a “false step,” which is when you take a slight jab step backward before running forwards. He hated this false step, but it wasn’t something we were taught; it was just something that felt natural to do when you wanted to accelerate from a 2-point standing position. He tried so hard to coach us out of doing it(so much sprints punishment, lol), and it makes sense when you try and think about it from his point of view, “We can’t be faster by taking a step backward, away from our target destination first”. Long story short, He tested it and found out he was wrong we were way faster to our destination WITH the false step, and once he stopped spending time to train it out of us, we had more time to focus on drills that actually made us better at our position.
July is actually a pretty decent month for national-level events in the USA and has been for quite a few years. This is the first year in a while that I will not attend any of them. I am a CSCS, so I usually go to 1 national per certification cycle, but it’s in Vegas again this year, and I’m not about that life, haha. While it does feel weird not to have any July education plans, I just returned from a conference, so I definitely got my education quota in for the summer. The next thing on my list for July is to get some more time outside and get better at chunking my schedule out around training clients. The most recent system I tried for my non-training hour schedule wasn’t what I wanted it to be from a productivity and enjoyment standpoint. I keep reminding myself. It’s good to re-evaluate the process if the goal remains the same.
Fantastic Podcast(s) I listened to last week
The Revive Stronger Podcast: Episode 367 | High loads vs Low Loads for Hypertrophy with Brad Schoenfeld.
Show Notes: In today's episode, we talk about some recent research out of Brad’s lab, dig into training at long muscle lengths, low-load training and the mechanisms of hypertrophy. As always with Brad a very wise, level-headed perspective and great practical take-homes.
The Obvious Choice: Episode 82 | 4 ways to succeed when you’re on your own.
Show Notes: Building a business can be lonely. Friends and family periodically root you on from the sidelines but don't follow through when you ask them to share or test something out.
You're going to have to do this without their help. Here's how.
Where everything's made up, and the stats don't matter
How to include others and collaborate to grow
Why you're probably a year too late in marketing your business (and the smartest marketing approach you should take)
The Next 30 Days: ANNUAL Education Conferences, Expos & Seminars
Suppose you are looking for seminars and workshops that are held throughout the year in your area and across the globe. click the link below.
Nutrition Society: Summer Conference 2023 - Nutrition at key stages of the lifecycle: 7/3/2023- Liverpool, England
International Federation Of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists: World Conference of Musculoskeletal and Manual Physiotherapy: 7/4/2023- Basel, Switzerland
European College Of Sports Science: Annual Congress 2023: 7/4/2023- Paris, France
International Society Of Biomechanics In Sports: Annual Conference: 7/12/2023- Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
National Strength And Conditioning Association: National Conference: 7/12/2023- Las Vegas, NV
Idea Health And Fitness Association: Idea World Conference: 7/14/2023- Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA
National High School Strength Coach Association: Texas – State Clinic: 7/15/2023- La Porte High School,301 E. Fairmont Pkwy, La Porte, TX
Asian Nutrition Society For Sport And Health: Icans Annual Conference: 7/19/2023- Temasek Polytechnic, 21 Tampines Ave 1, Singapore 529757
National Wellness Institute: Annual National Conference: 7/19/2023-Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Medical Fitness Association: Medical Fitness Summit: 7/20/2023- Portland, Oregon
Central Virginia Sports Performance: The Annual Seminar: 7/21/2023- Canton, GA
American Physical Therapy Association: Future of Physical Therapy Summit: 7/21/2023- Washington, D.C
Scw Fitness Education: Atlanta Mania: 7/21/2023- Atlanta, Georgia
American Society For Nutrition: Annual Conference: 7/22/2023- Boston, MA
National High School Athletic Coaches Association: Annual Convention: 7/24/2023- Lincoln, Nebraska
Collegiate And Professional Sports Dietitians Association: Tactical Nutrition Summit: 8/1/2023- United States Of America, San Diego, California
Other Member News
I will be closing this Trello Projects update board: Completed.
Website Updated: I made the first large change to the website style and performance. The update was not a functional use update but sets the stage for the rest of the updates to take place for the Map searches, tables to find events and courses.