The Monday Report
April 8| Courage leads to trust in building relationships with customers and teams, creating a virtuous cycle of success.
“There is no witness so dreadful, no accuser so terrible as the conscience that dwells in the heart of every man“
-Caecilius Statius
Personal Update
I need a schedule. The one thing I consistently struggle with as a “solopreneur” is time management with my various projects. I like being the only one doing the work, so I don’t think it’s something I will change, but I have to remind myself that sticking to a schedule of tasks is important. If I don’t have a schedule laid out, I can spiral between task jumping or deeply committing to a task so hard that it has no chance of being done in the chase of perfection.
Anyone else like this?
Fantastic podcasts I heard last week.
Founders Podcast #343: The Eternal Pursuit of Happiness- David Ogilvy
Science VS. Podcast: Dreams-What do they Mean?
The Unbiased Science Podcast: We’re not Ovary-acting: Women’s Health Myths Athe The Worst
Here’s a link to download Snipd, the podcast app I use to make a “notebook” of A.I. transcripts, bookmarks on episodes, and take notes on each podcast I hear! They have a free app you can use or, with this link, you get 1 month of their Premium version for free: 1 Free Month Of Premium Snipd
Professional Update
The continuing education directory has a variety of event types listed; some are small courses that are scheduled multiple times per year, while others are much larger and are what I consider “Conferences.” Sometimes, they have different names for themselves, like a summit, expo, meeting, convention, congress, assembly, show, or symposium, but they are all simply a large gathering of people interested in a specific field or topic. Semantically, those words do have different definitions, but largely in this industry, they are used to describe the same thing, and outside a couple of outliers, they generally run similar-style events and typically have them only once per year.
One of the things I have found from cataloging events is this type schedules future dates around the same time of year and typically cycles through only a few locations. If you have the dates and locations of their previous annual conferences you can predict with some accuracy where they will be next year. This is a convenient bit of information to remember when you are browsing the continuing education map and notice you missed an annual event that happened in your city. While there are over 350 other organizations with their own once-a-year event, you can use this yearly consistency from an organization to help yourself plan for future events that might be in your area or predict when they will come back to your city.
This is some of the information I am playing around with when I am exploring how to best use the archived data that I have in my databases.
Schedule or spiral 💯🤪 I use for tasks and project management.