The Monday Report
June 3| I think the lesson of "checking your ego at the door" that the gym teaches you should apply in most our lives outside of anything fitness related.
Personal Update
What an interesting week! I like to keep my life simple; it makes me happier, but there will always be situations where I cannot control the level of simplicity surrounding me. I consider myself a “straight shooter” and know that I sometimes also lack empathy in my responses, but I never(try to) let my ego cloud my thoughts and actions. However, I caught myself questioning some business-related decisions I made over the past 5 years. I am happy where I am now and think I did a pretty good job getting here, but I find it helpful to reflect on these things and try to learn. Future situations will arise with similarities to the past. When one smacks you in the face in the present day, ask yourself, “I must have missed something back then; what was the canary in the coal mine?” or “Where was I blinded from seeing how/what this really was?”.
At the end of the day, Keep your Inner circle small, and protect it.
Fantastic podcasts I heard last week:
Lift Free and Diet Hard Podcast: EP #309 Vince Del Monte: Better Business Before Bigger Business
Unbiased Science Podcast: From A to Zinc: The Chemistry of What We Consume.
Muscle For Life With Mike Matthews: Dr. Stephan Guyenet on Outsparting Obesity
Here’s a link to download Snipd, the podcast app I use to make a “notebook” of A.I. transcripts, bookmarks within episodes, and take notes on each podcast I hear! They have a free app you can use or, with this link, you get 1 month of their Premium version for free: 1 Free Month Of Premium Snipd
Professional Update
Version Number 1 of the filter tables is available for Online Courses, In-Person Events, and Virtual Events! I am excited to have this release in the first week of June. Since it is the first version, I have to ensure it works well for some limited filtering before opening it up to fully customized searches for you. So far, those who have tested it have liked how it works, even with the limits.
The second reason it has to be released with some limitations is that when I chose to make this an option, it also required some new structuring for the data, and it will take some time to adjust everything to comply without breaking everything and making it useless.
Wait, does that photo down there say Jobs!?
YEP, it does! I wanted to offer this at a limited-time early access price point that is accessible to all types of businesses.
I believe this was the natural evolution of what I am doing: centralizing resources for career development in the modern era of personal training. If you use them, I’m not here trying to replace corporate job boards like ZipRecruiter, Indeed, and Linkedin. Here are the lists of whys I came up with to convince myself to take this on:
Allow Hiring personnel and agencies to centralize job postings specific to our industry from those large posting sites.
Give small businesses an avenue to find quality talent without stressing the budget to post job availability.
Highlight businesses/ organizations offering career development opportunities like Internships and apprenticeships.
Give online coaches a better way to display when they are looking to hire a new coach in their business, which does not involve posting a 24-hour “looking to hire a new coach, send me a DM” Instagram Story.
Expand reach for coaches, new and old, to find the right opportunity regardless of their certifications or professional memberships.
Do you own or manage a gym and want to host your first or more education seminars at your facility?
Now, when you sign up for a Free Friendship membership, you can have access to submit your facility!
When you sign in and update your profile to being a gym owner or manager, you can add some important details to your facility that will make it easier for interested organizations looking to bring their education opportunities to your area.