The Monday Report
June 26, 2023| No-one, and I repeat, No-one likes difficult times but they are an inevitability we must be able to endure, and strategize around. Stay focused. Each effort brings you closer.
“Your own positive future begins in this moment. All you have is right now. Every goal is possible from here.”
-Lao Tzu
Personal Update
Last week was a difficult week. Full of undesirable surprised, disappointments, setbacks, and frustrations. Too many to list, but in reality, that is all part of the game, right? We ride the highs, endure the lows, and control what we are able to control. Nothing more, nothing less.
Luckily the weekend really took a turn for the better. My wife competed in her 2nd powerlifting meet and performed incredibly! She bested her total from her previous meet, which was the overall goal she set out to achieve, and absolutely killed it in her squats with an amazing 3rd attempt. I’m so proud of her.
Fantastic Podcast I listened to last week
Podcast: I didn’t listen to any podcasts this week for the first time in a long time. It was a big music week for me to pull myself through the week's slump. However, as always, I highly recommend listening to Founders Podcast if you can and are looking for a new show to get hooked on.
The Next 30 Days: ANNUAL Education Conferences, Expos & Seminars
Suppose you are looking for seminars and workshops that are held throughout the year in your area and across the globe. click the link below.
World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology: International Conference on Strength Training and Conditioning Barcelona: 6/19/2023- virtual
Meetings International: Nutrition Care: 6/19/2023- Berlin, Germany
National Athletic Training Association: 74th Convention: 6/21/2023- Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Sports Leaders Summits: Business of Sport Summit: 6/21/2023- New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
National High School Strength Coach Association: Annual National Conference- 6/22/23: Chicago, Illinois
University Of Notre Dame: Sports Performance Summit: 6/23/23- Notre Dame, Indiana
European College Of Sports Science16th Annual JORRESCAM Conference: Body Technics, Martial Arts and Combat Sports: 6/28/2023- Bordeaux, France
Nutrition Society: Summer Conference 2023 - Nutrition at key stages of the lifecycle: 7/3/2023- Liverpool, England
International Federation Of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists: World Conference of Musculoskeletal and Manual Physiotherapy: 7/4/2023- Basel, Switzerland
European College Of Sports Science: Annual Congress 2023:7/4/2023- Paris, France
International Society Of Biomechanics In Sports: Annual Conference: 7/12/2023- Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
National Strength And Conditioning Association: National Conference: 7/12/2023- Las Vegas, NV
Idea Health And Fitness Association: Idea World Conference: 7/14/2023- Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA
National High School Strength Coach Association: Texas – State Clinic: 7/15/2023- La Porte High School,301 E. Fairmont Pkwy, La Porte, TX
Asian Nutrition Society For Sport And Health: Icans Annual Conference: 7/19/2023- Temasek Polytechnic, 21 Tampines Ave 1, Singapore 529757
National Wellness Institute: Annual National Conference: 7/19/2023-Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Medical Fitness Association: Medical Fitness Summit: 7/20/2023- Portland, Oregon
Central Virginia Sports Performance: The Annual Seminar: 7/21/2023- Canton, GA
American Physical Therapy Association: Future of Physical Therapy Summit: 7/21/2023- Washington, D.C
Scw Fitness Education: Atlanta Mania: 7/21/2023- Atlanta, Georgia
American Society For Nutrition: Annual Conference: 7/22/2023- Boston, MA
National High School Athletic Coaches Association: Annual Convention: 7/24/2023- Lincoln, Nebraska
Other Member News
I will be closing this Trello Projects update board: Completed.
Website Updated: I made the first large change to the website style and performance. The update was not a functional use update but sets the stage for the rest of the updates to take place for the Map searches, tables to find events and courses.