Jan 27 | The Monday Report
Self-deception can blind me to my limitations and lead to a downfall. Remain humble and open to learning, as recognizing my flaws is crucial for personal growth and success.
FITLETE Professional Update
The Resource Nexus
— I have been aggregating events(for myself) since late 2014, but I only actually started archiving them after 2016, and since that year, about 193 Annual in-person events have stopped organizing. Since I collect and organize these events yearly, I am always talking with coaches and people who organize events about what we think the event space will look like in the future. This almost 200 fewer events in 10 years can sound frightening if we consider it a trending number for the future, but I don’t see it like this. I’m on the inside of this stuff, so to me, it looks like a swing away from having more events for more event’s sake. It used to be the go-to model for every organization that had a certification or education service to have an Annual gathering of associates regardless of whether it was valuable or in line with their business model. That’s what I see with quite a few of these events that no longer exist. They typically fall into one of three categories:
The company/coach that used to put on the event no longer exists.
The company/coach realigned their business model to support the main goals instead of organizing an event again.
The events never returned for a second year or were canceled in the second year due to a lack of interest.
While we can’t control which companies will be around in the future, I believe the annual events that will exist next year and in years to come will improve for the attendees. The organizers have a more transparent understanding of how events can or can not work for their goals. They may have a business growth or altruistic angle; the cream will rise to the top either way.
A New Trainer Spotlight Episode! I met Kate through Russel Moore, and you’ll never guess where I met them both…AT AN IN-PERSON CONFERENCE! If you don’t know Kate, I encourage you to take a listen and then say hello.
Fantastic podcasts I heard last week:
Strength In Context—E17: Athletes vs. Gen Pop: A Whole Different Coaching Game
Pacy Performance Podcast—How to reduce hamstring injury risk with Matthew Bourne, Nick Court and Johan Lahti
Founders—#376 Jensen Huang: Founder of Nvidia
Lift Free and diet hard with Andrew Coates—#327 Dr Allan Bacon - Supplements: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Deep Questions with Cal Newport—IN-DEPTH: The Comfort Crisis (w/ Michael Easter)
TED Health—Do you really need 8 hours of sleep? | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter
Here’s a link to download Snipd, the podcast app I use to make a “notebook” of A.I. transcripts, bookmarks within episodes, and take notes on each podcast I hear! They have a free app you can use or, with this link, you get 1 month of their Premium version for free: 1 Free Month Of Premium Snipd.
Personal Update
— I got a new client this month. One of the reasons I enjoy working with a new client is that special moment when, for the first time, they begin to express how helpful just getting started has been. It’s easy to forget what the complex parts of starting a quest for improvement can be. Since I live in this world where my work as a trainer is also closely associated with the enjoyable hobby of lifting weights/ self-competition, I can sometimes lose that perspective.
I love learning, and learning from clients intentionally or through a slapback to reality is always something I will appreciate.