Personal Update
This wasn’t the original update I was going to post here, but I actually delayed the publication of this week’s letter (which was supposed to be delivered at 8 am this morning) in order to add this one in. Only time will tell if that was a good idea or not lol.
I was hanging out with my friend this past Sunday and he mentioned something that really hit home. Without quoting him directly he said,
“When I’m having a hard time deciding to do something in a situation involving others I always make sure how they act aligns with my heart and my name”
Heart and Name. He was saying in very simple language “My Heart”= who I know am and the values I have as a self-actualized person AND(not or) “My Name”= the image I want to associate with myself with & how I want others to consider me as a person. He made sure to emphasize the need for both and not to compromise on either because they are linked together for the rest of your lives. So, remember your heart and your name when you look at who you surround yourself.
This week's really cool podcast to listen to is:
The Strength Running Podcast Episode 253: Pregnant & Post Partum Running With Dr. Rachel Selman
This episode was relatively easy to get into and they discussed a lot of the most common questions surrounding running & Pregnancy. I haven’t worked exclusively with this audience, but I do have experience in this area from a few clients, and helping friends who had reached out surrounding their own pregnancies. I liked that Dr. Selman didn’t mince her words when asked about guidelines and recommendations saying that this field in research is still fairly young and while it’s in your best interest to follow the guidelines laid out they are inevitably going to be changed in the near future. It is very true, because only fairly recently has it been generally accepted that lifting weights and running at any point in a healthy pregnancy was considered a good idea. A great listen and introduction to the world of training someone pre, during and post-natal. Chances are high you will have a client at one or all the stages of pregnancy in your training career so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with at least the basics.
Education & Career Tools Updates
I want to use this space in the newsletter to give you a recap of the tools I have introduced here thus far and update what is going to be happening with the Free Tools Resource Directory as it will be going through a facelift. Here are the past 3 in case you missed them.
Narro- Turn Articles Blogs and PDfs into a Private Podcast Feed
Snipd- Save highlights, bookmarks and take notes within Podcasts
Ifttt & Zapier: Automate Everything in your business connected to the internet.
Now on to the facelift. I like this project within FITLETE, and it aligns well with my mission to make FITLETE a go-to resource for professionals at all stages in their careers, but after looking at it, the current iteration of the project is just a bit clunky and I want to make it way better. There are over 120 tools available right now and to help introduce some of them I will be sharing them in the career tools section of the newsletter(Here), and combining the Personal training & Nutrition software directories with the free one to make it a MEGA directory that you can explore all on one page within FITLETE. Be on the lookout in the coming weeks to see some screenshots of what this will look like and function like. I’m excited about it because it streamlines my work, as well as yours so, it’s a win-win.
Events This Week
99 In-person Events & 28 Live Virtual Events from 42 Different Organizations
Most Popular Locations For Live In-person Events
United States Of America 59- Academy of Applied Personal Training Education, American Aerobic Association International And International Sports Medicine Association, Anatomy Trains, Exos, Central Virginia Sports Performance, Kinesio Taping, Perform Better, Strong First, Power Monkey Fitness, Functional Movement Systems, Hawkgrips, Aerobic Capacity, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Exercise ETC, Greg Lehman, Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehab Institute, Institute Of Clinical Excellence, Interactive Fitness Trainers Of America, John Rusin, Neurokinetic Therapy, Owens Recovery Science, Rocktape, Stick Mobility, United States Of America Weightlifting, National College Of Exercise Professionals, United States of America Track & Field, Boxing And Barbells, Functional Anatomy Seminars, National Exercise Trainers Association, Cancer Exercise Training Institute, Camargo Oly Concepts, International Society for Engineers and Researchers, International Society Of Biomechanics In Sports
Australia 16- Sports Medicine Australia
France 5- Strong First, Functional Movement Systems
Romania 3- Move On Fitness Education
Live Virtual Seminars
Certified Professional Trainers Network, National Exercise Trainers Association, Reconditioninghq, Pelvic Health Solutions, Rocktape, United States Of America Weightlifting, Functional Movement Systems, Exercise And Sports Science Australia, Sports Medicine Australia
Other Member News
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