Take a Look at this week in FITLETE.
Personal update:
I needed to take a break. It was a difficult trip home because not only was I dealing with my grandmothers passing, it was also difficult on me to see my grandfather for the first time in a long time. He has been battling with Alzheimer's for some years now, but due to covid I haven't seen him in a while and it really took a toll on me.
This weeks really cool podcast to listen to is:
You Are Not So Smart Episode 222- The Power Of Surprise- Michael Rousell
They discussed a really cool segment on predictability, building beliefs, and then developing a mindset off of these things. I'm actually going to give it another listen because I want to remember some more points about it. I really enjoyed a quote at minute 22:40. I will be sharing this on my Instagram feed tomorrow.
Events this week:
I added 40 In-Person & Virtual Events bringing the total to 2,120 for the year thus far!
154 in person events this week, 31 virtual events from 47 different organizations
American Aerobic Association International And International Sports Medicine Association
Academy Of Applied Personal Training Education
International Society For Engineers And Researchers
Tai Chi For Health Institute
International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry
Totalbody Resistance Exercise
Strong First
Sports Medicine Australia
Move On Fitness Education
Coaches Association Of Ontario
Autism Fitness
International Health, Racquet And Sportsclub Association
San Diego Pain Summit
Active Management
Nutrition Coaching Global Mastermind
United States Of America Weightlifting
Carrick Institute
American College Of Sports Medicine
Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Scw Fitness Education
Structure & Function Education
United States of America Track & Field
Brookbush Institute Of Human Movement Science
Oxygen Advantage
Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehab Institute
Barbell Rehab
Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning
Stick Mobility
National High School Strength Coach Association
Viking Ninja
National College Of Exercise Professionals
John Rusin
Functional Movement Systems
Msk Plus
Exercise ETC
Functional Anatomy Seminars
Neurosomatic Educators
Education updates:
I made a demo of how to create a review of an education course you attend and put it up on my Instagram (@fitleteNation). I will be making some better tutorials as well for YouTube.
I will be submitting the review of the event I just attended, filming it, and sharing it to both IG and my YouTube channel so you can see how it works!
Other Member News
Aside from adding to the events I will be performing some reviews to make the Personal training software comparison guide more robust. So you can see them in action a little bit while comparing prices.
keep a look out for a podcast invite in your inbox I'm trying to get in over 200 of them, so I appreciate your patience!