Take a Look at this week in FITLETE.
Personal update:
I finished reading my 3rd book of the year! This is a huge step for me considering I typically consume media like audio or video in previous years. The daily reading has helped me with more than just learning more. It has given me another way to help frame my day. It’s not smart to try and do everything all at the same time, and making a schedule outside of training clients has been difficult for me. The desire to read and stick with it has helped me be more productive in my work and leisure time.
The Book is: “The Power Of Habit: Why we do what we do in life and business” By Charles Duhigg
Highly recommend it.
This weeks really cool podcast to listen to is:
Freakonomics Radio
Episode #494- Why do most ideas fail to scale? with John List
~ 45 minutes of really great information! But you need to listen to a short quote within a conversationthat starts about 11 minutes in and goes for about 5 minutes in length. Around minute 15:30 John List makes a statement that says the best ideas are made by spocks who think about their products like they are selling to people just like them (hyper rational, logical thinkers), but instead they are selling to a bunch of Homer Simpsons(lay person who will use as they please vs what was intended). It’s a great quote when you hear the episode trust me.
Episode Link: https://pca.st/ppht13wi
Events this week:
106 in person events this week & 16 virtual events this week
49- United States Of America
5- Canada
3- Australia, Mexico, United Kingdom
2- Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Italy, Spain, United Arab Emirates
1- Argentina, Central African Republic, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey, Republic Of Korea
52 different organizations are hosting events this week.
Accuracy Therapy
Aerobic Capacity
American Aerobic Association International And International Sports Medicine Association
American Psychiatric Association
Anatomy Trains
Animal Flow
Barbell Rehab
Belgian Federation Of Sports Physiotherapy
Black Dog Fitness
Body Hack
Brookbush Institute Of Human Movement Science
Certified Functional Strength Coach
Certified Professional Trainers Network
Collegiate And Professional Sports Dietitians Association
Core Fitness Education
DBC Fitness
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
Elite Performance Institute
Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Exercise And Sports Science Australia
Fluid Motion Maui
Functional Movement Systems
Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehab Institute
Institute Of Clinical Excellence
Integrated Kinetic Neurology
Interactive Fitness Trainers Of America
International Society for Engineers and Researchers
International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry
International Society Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity
John Rusin
Kinesio Taping
Meetings International
National Exercise Trainers Association
National Fitness Productions
Neurokinetic Therapy
Northeast Seminars
Owens Recovery Science
Postural Restoration Institute
Rad Roller
Scw Fitness Education
Sports Medicine Australia
Sports Physio
Stick Mobility
Strength System
Strong First
Structure & Function Education
The International Working Group On Women & Sport
Titleist Performance Institute
Education updates:
Remember to leave your reviews on site!
Other Member News
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