November 21st, 2022. There are 52 total continuing education events this week! 5 are virtual seminars and 47 are in-person seminars.
“Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.” - Robert G.Ingersoll
Personal Update
I just came back from a vacation to the happiest place on earth…Disney World. I went with my wife, my parents, my sister, my brother-in-law, and their young kids(my niece and nephew). This whole thing that is Disney is made to be a place where happiness has a place to thrive for the guests who attend. Yes, there are always going to be frustrated parents, small children momentarily unhappy about literally anything, crowds of people with entitled attitudes, and long lines, but through all that auxiliary stuff, you get to experience moments where happiness is the only thing that exists.
In the USA this week it’s Thanksgiving and this family trip just before this holiday was a great reminder to focus on what’s important for me to be happy and how to help others find their own space to be happy.
Fantastic Podcast I listened to last week
The Sport Psych show Episode #206 The difference between learning and performing with Professor Nicola Hodges & Dr. Keith Lohse
This was an incredible episode and one I think all coaches should be familiar with and covers the benefits of making mistakes in a safe environment, how choosing the difficult thing isn’t always the best thing for learning, how to design challenges that transfer to performance environment and a very good explanation of their Challenge-Based Framework for designing practices.
In this episode, we discuss a paper Nikki and Keith have co-authored titled: “An extended challenge-based framework for practice design in sports coaching” found here which builds on the original challenge-point work published 20 years ago. Specifically, they emphasize the importance of the challenge-point framework as a model of motor learning and expand this framework to apply to sports coaching (giving practical suggestions for coaches to use in their practice).
Events this week
52 In-person Events & 5 Live Virtual Events from 23 Different Organizations
Most Popular In-Person Events
Australia 9 - East Coast Conferences, Australian Council For Health Physical Education And Recreation, Australian Strength And Conditioning Association
Czech Republic 2- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Born To Move
Canada 9- Strong First, International Society for Engineers and Researchers, John Rusin, Somatic Senses Education
Germany 3- Born To Move, Gymnastics Course, FitnessConnected
Ireland 2- Anatomy Trains
Mexico 5- International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry, Strong First, International Society for Engineers and Researchers
Netherlands 3 - Born To Move, Anatomy Trains
New Zealand 2- Sport And Exercise Science New Zealand, Sports And Exercise Science New Zealand
Poland 2- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Anatomy Trains
The United Kingdom 2- Core Fitness EducationLeaders In Sport
Live virtual Seminars
Pelvic Health Solutions, Australian Society For Performing Arts Healthcare, Inspire Fitness Academy, Gla:D Canada
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