It's a day late! Sorry!
Personal Update
I have been reading a lot more and even though I find that I want to just keep working on FITLETE with this free time I actually find that my time dedicated to FITLETE is more productive if I stick to this daily reading structure. It's weird, but also pretty cool.
This weeks really cool podcast to listen to is:
Effort over everything with Jason Khalipa
March 16th Episode: Entrepreneurship and Bridging the Gap Between Fitness and Healthcare w/ Dr. Sean Pastuch
Most of the episode was mainly about bridging the gap between these two industries and is actually beneficial for that theme. However after I listened I found the most interesting piece was their discussion about how to develop an experience for coaches within your business. The career path between doctors and coaches is the most obvious difference between the industries and it's hard to make the argument that either side needs to be more like the other, but the career path for coaches needs to improve in order to create an interest for people who want to stay within your company and grow along side you.
Episode Link:
Events this week:
148 in person events this week & 16 virtual events this week
United States Of America- 72
Australia- 11
Canada- 8
United Kingdom- 6
Argentina- 5
Spain, Brazil- 4
Germany, Italy- 3
Chile, Croatia, Ireland, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland- 2
Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Indonesia, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Republic of South Korea, United Arab Emirates- 1
62 different organizations are hosting events this week.
Sports Medicine Australia
International Society for Engineers and Researchers
Australian Council For Health Physical Education And Recreation
Professional Seminars
International Brain Injury Association
Nutrition Coaching Global Mastermind
International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry
National Intermural And Recreational Sports Association
United Kingdom Society For Behavioural Medicine
American College Of Sports Medicine
Catalyst Athletics
N1 Education
Carrick Institute
Anatomy Trains
Dts Fitness Education
Functional Movement Systems
Starting Strength
Power Monkey Fitness
Structure & Function Education
Association for Applied Sport Psychology
Exercise And Sports Science Australia
Scw Fitness Education
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
International Union Of Nutritional Sciences
Stick Mobility
Kettlebell Concepts
First Principles Of Movement
Brookbush Institute Of Human Movement Science
Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehab Institute
National Exercise Trainers Association
Strong First
Neurokinetic Therapy
United States Of America Weightlifting
Aerobic Capacity
Aquatic Exercise Association
United Kingdom Strength Coach Association
National Strength And Conditioning Association
Barbell Rehab
National High School Strength Coach Association
Kabuki Strength
Certified Professional Trainers Network
Conjugate Methods
American Aerobic Association International And International Sports Medicine Association
Integrated Kinetic Neurology
Owens Recovery Science
Certified Functional Strength Coach
Functional Anatomy Seminars
Kinesio Taping
Institute Of Clinical Excellence
Postural Restoration Institute
Greg Lehman
Animal Flow
Autism Fitness
Nutrition Society
Canadian Fitness Education Services
Education updates:
We are less than 1,000 more events and we will have brought together 30,000 events and education opportunities your way!
quarter #1 updates are complete with the existing list of organizations and I will begin adding the new organizations live events and virtual events with the 2nd quarter updates.
My next step with this Q2 update is to make the online course directory more user friendly and complete the listings more. This will not be finished in April, but its a priority.
Other Member News
I'm going to need some help. If you are passionate about the fitness industry, continued learning, and are interested in becoming an ambassador for FITLETE reply to this email.