November 28th, 2022. There are 90 total continuing education events this week! 4 are virtual seminars and 86 are in-person seminars.
“It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness” -Seneca
Personal Update
Every year I forget how much I enjoy some good Thanksgiving food. I’m going to try and keep it in our meal rotations for the year. This past week after coming back from Disney I got sick Tuesday Morning! I tried to work, but I ended up having a fever and felt like death for a little over 2 days. So, to say the least I did not get a lot of anything done last week.
Fantastic Podcast I listened to last week
Muscle for life with Mike Matthews- August 31st Episode: On Becoming a Successful Fitness Entrepreneur.
This podcast is a bit different because rather than interviewing a guest, I’m sharing an interview of myself. Specifically, I recorded a webinar for students at Oxford Brookes University in the UK, in which I shared business advice for students who wish to start a health or fitness business or for fitness professionals who wish to grow their existing businesses.
I was interviewed by professor Paul Hough, a Senior Lecturer in Sports and Exercise Science at the university. Not only is he a fellow author, but he’s worked with elite-level athletes in tennis and Formula One, and published several studies in academic journals.
One of the reasons I like this episode is that he doesn’t glamorize the “entrepreneur life” as being the draw to working for yourself. Too often the fitness world puts the life of working for one’s self behind some pretty rose-colored lenses, which is just not the reality most will encounter when diving into their career in our industry.
Events this week
86 In-person Events & 4 Live Virtual Events from 34 Different Organizations
Most Popular In-Person Events
Australia 12 - Neurokinetic Therapy, Australian Strength And Conditioning Association, Gymnastics Course
Canada 6- International Society for Engineers and Researchers, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Neurokinetic Therapy, Somatic Senses Education, Exercise Therapy Association
Costa Rica 3- Strong First, International University Sports Federation
France 2- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Gymnastics Course
Lebanon 2- Strong First
Mexico 2- International Society for Engineers and Researchers, International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry
New Zealand 2- Nutrition Society Of New Zealand, Neurokinetic Therapy
Switzerland 2 - Anatomy Trains
Thailand 2- Fit Summit, International Society for Engineers and Researchers
United Arab Emirates 2- International Society for Engineers and Researchers, Body Hack
The United States Of America 37- American College Of Sports Medicine, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Fluid Motion Maui, Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehab Institute, Strong First, Buti Yoga, Institute Of Clinical Excellence, John Rusin, Northeast Seminars, Southeast Sports Seminars, Stick Mobility, Power Monkey Fitness, Carrick Institute, Box 'N Burn Academy, National College Of Exercise Professionals
Live virtual Seminars
Nutrition Coaching Global Mastermind, Pelvic Health Solutions, Animal Flow, Carrick Institute
Other Member News
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