Take a Look at this week in FITLETE.
Personal update:
I'm preparing for my trip to Orlando for my next bout of continuing education. This is not an ad, but Ill be attending the "Raise The Bar conference". It's the first event they have ever put on and is packed with i think 30 interesting speakers. Some big names I know are speaking which is pretty cool. I believe the in person tickets are sold out but they are still selling the virtual option. It begins on February 4th. If you want to follow me through this education experience I will be talking about it on Instagram throughout the weekend @FITLETEnation
This weeks really cool podcast to listen to is a "twofer"! I found one non fitness related and one fitness related.
Making Sense by Sam Harris episode #271- Earning to give
1 hour 15 minutes talking with one of the wealthiest self made billionaires under 30 years old in the world names Sam Bankman. The episode is about giving back or as they call it in the episode "effective altruism".
Lift Free And Diet Hard With Andrew Coates episode 60: Nick Tumminello " Being Team Client"
A great 56 minutes of conversation about tribalism and dogmatism in the fitness industry and how there might be a difference between what the research says vs what is able to be practically applied on the day to day basis without losing the goals of the clients.
Events this week:
I added 1,011 In-Person & Virtual Events bringing the total to ~1,500 for the year thus far and actually some for 2023 too.
89 in person events this week, 12 virtual events from 31 different organizations
American Aerobic Association International And International Sports Medicine Association
International Society For Engineers And Researchers
Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Totalbody Resistance Exercise
Strong Fit
Tai Chi For Health Institute
Titleist Performance Institute
Nutrition Coaching Global Mastermind
American College Of Preventive Medicine
Immaculate Dissection
International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry
Neurosomatic Educators
Coaches Congress
Structure & Function Education
Owens Recovery Science
Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehab Institute
United States Of America Weightlifting
Certified Functional Strength Coach
Barbell Rehab
T2 Fitness Education
Catalyst Athletics
Brookbush Institute Of Human Movement Science
Neurokinetic Therapy
Stop Chasing Pain
Big Sky Athletic Training Sports Medicine
Education updates:
I've noticed a lot of organizations & individuals have begun to offer "free webinar" experiences a few times per month which is more new for this year. They seem to essentially be small group interviews about a topic that you are able to sit in on and ask questions throughout. A cool plus is most of them seem to be listed as free.
Given this new type of discussion/ interview based education exposure I will be playing around with adding a pricing option to the virtual events directory that filters free events.
Other Member News
I had to put a pause on the blog article as I was not able to finish editing it while adding & formatting the data for the 1,000+ events I added.
keep a look out for a podcast invite in your inbox